In this section you can download a lot of beautiful pictures of different themes, all the pictures and wallpapers will harmoniously fit your desktop
In fact, all wallpapers can be told for different screens and devices, if it is a tablet phone or TV, but mostly these are pictures for laptops, a large number of wallpapers.
If suddenly you haven't found the right picture, then you can search for it in sections with a higher expansion
WXGA (English Wide XGA) is a set of non—standard display resolutions derived from the XGA standard by expanding it into a widescreen screen. Usually WXGA is understood as a resolution 1366 by 768 , with an aspect ratio of 16:9. In 2006, this permit It was most often used in LCD TVs and HD-compatible plasma panels.
Download wallpapers and pictures for your desktop with 1366х768 Wide XGA resolution in the amount of 1280 pieces. All widescreen pictures are in good quality, they can be installed on any computer