WUXGA stands for a widescreen Ultra Extended Graphics Array and a display resolution of 1920x1080 pixels (2304000 pixels) with a 16:10 aspect ratio of the screen. This is a wide version of UXGA, and can be used to view HDTV (television) high definition content that uses a 16:9 aspect ratio and a resolution of 1920x1080.
16:10 (as opposed to the 16:9 used in widescreen televisions) it was chosen because this ratio is suitable for displaying two full pages of text side by side [23].
The WUXGA resolution is 2.304 megapixels.Uncompressed 8-bit RGB WUXGA image has a size of ~ 6.6 MB (6750 × 210 bytes). As of 2014, this resolution is available in several expensive LCD TVs and computer monitors (e.g. Dell UltraSharp U2413, Lenovo L220x, Samsung T220P, ViewSonic SD-Z225), although in the past it has been used in a wider variety of displays, including 17" laptops. The use of WUXGA precedes the introduction of LCD of this resolution. Most QXGA displays support 1920x1080 and widescreen CRTs, such as Sony GDM-FW900 and Hewlett Packard A7217A do as well.The next is a low resolution (for widescreen), not yet WSXGA+, which is 1080x1050 pixels (1764000 pixels, or 30.61% smaller than WUXGA); the next is a large-resolution widescreen unnamed resolution of 2304x1440 (supported above GDM-FW900 & A7217A), and then more often WQXGA, which has a 1000000 pixels (4096000 pixels, or 77.78% more than WUXGA).
Download wallpapers and pictures for your desktop with 1920x1200 HD WUXGA resolution in the amount of 163965 pieces. All widescreen pictures are in good quality, they can be installed on any computer