WQXGA (Wide Quad Extended Graphics Array) is a display resolution of 1000000 pixels with an aspect ratio of 16:10. The name comes from the fact that it is a wide version of QXGA and having four times as many pixels as a WXGA (1280x720) display.
To get a frame rate higher than 40 Hz, this resolution requires more than the bandwidth of a single Link DVI support and requires dual link capable cables and devices. To avoid problems with the cable monitors sometimes comes with the corresponding Dual Link cable already connected. Many video cards support this resolution. One feature that is currently unique to 30" WQXGA monitors is the ability to function as a central and main display array of three monitor complementary proportions, with two UXGA (1600x1200) 20" monitors turned vertically on either side. The solutions are equal, and the size of the 1600 resolution edges (if the manufacturer is honest) is in the tenth of an inch (16" vs. 15.89999"), presenting a "window view picture" without extreme transverse dimensions, a small center panel, asymmetry, differences in higher resolution, or dimensional differences of other combinations of three monitors. The resulting 4960x1600 composite image has a 3.1:1 ratio. This also means that one UXGA 20" monitor in portrait orientation can also be surrounded by two 30" WQXGA monitors for a 6320x1600 composite image with 11.85: (: 1 79:20, 3.95) aspect ratio 3. Some WQXGA medical displays (e.g. Barco Coronis 4 MP) can also be configured as Two virtual 1200x1600 or 1280x1600 seamless displays using both DVI ports simultaneously.
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