Minimalism wallpapers and images with 1600x900 HD resolution

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WXGA (English Wide XGA) is a set of non—standard display resolutions obtained from the XGA standard by expanding it into a widescreen screen. Usually, WXGA is understood as a resolution of 1366×768, with an aspect ratio of 16:9. In 2006, this resolution was most commonly used in LCD TVs and HD-compatible plasma panels.

Basic Wide XGA Resolutions

Resolution Application Ratio

1280×720 Monitors 16:9

1280×768 Monitors 16:9.6 (5:3)

1280×800 Monitors 16:10 (8:5)

1360×768 LCD TV 16:9 (approximately)

1366×768 LCD TV 16:9 (approximately)

1920×1080 SXRD projectors 16:9

Widescreen resolutions, starting from 1280×720 and ending with 1920×1080, also belong to the W*XGA group where "*" can mean a refinement of the widescreen resolution, for example U (WUXGA 1920×1080) The most common WXGA resolutions (in ascending order by the total number of pixels):

  • 1280×720
  • 1280×768
  • 1280×800
  • 1360×768
  • 1366×768
  • 1440×900

WXGA is widely used in LCD TVs and monitors for widescreen presentations. 1366×nnn resolutions are more commonly used in LCD TVs and laptops, while 1280×nnn resolutions are more commonly used in smartphones and tablets.

1280×720 produces exact square pixels at an aspect ratio of 16:9, while additional pixels in resolutions of 1280×768 and 1280×800 must be ignored in order to produce a resolution of 16:9 without vertical stripes on the image. Resolutions 1360×768 and 1366×768 have aspect ratios very close to 16:9. At a resolution of 1360×765, completely square pixels are obtained.

720p, HDTV video mode, relative standard, meaning a resolution of 1280×720 pixels.

Displays with a resolution of 1440×900 are also labeled as WXGA; however, it is actually more correct to label them as WSXGA or WXGA+.

Wallpapers, pictures, Minimalism, 1600x900 HD